Mephedrone Addiction | Signs, Symptoms & Effects
- Mephedrone addiction
- Mephedrone addiction
- Mephedrone addiction treatment
Mephedrone, also known as “meow meow” or “M-Cat,” is a synthetic stimulant belonging to the cathinone class. It’s a white, crystalline powder that, in the past, was often sold legally as bath salts or plant food.
Users typically snort, swallow or inject it, seeking a euphoric high and increased energy.
In the UK, mephedrone is classified as a Class B drug, making its production, distribution and possession illegal.
Mephedrone poses significant health risks, including cardiovascular problems and mental health issues. Understanding its dangers is crucial for those considering its use.
- Page Content
- What happens to your body when you take Mephedrone?
- The dark side of Mephedrone
- How dangerous can Mephedrone be?
- What are the signs of Mephedrone addiction?
- How is Mephedrone addiction treated?
- What’s next?
- Frequently Asked Questions
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If you are struggling with addiction, your local area will have a range of resources you could utilise to start your recovery journey. Discover what addiction help is available near you.