Getting treatment for food addiction can be difficult as you may feel some amount of shame surrounding your addiction. If you have read to this point, this is a great step. You feel that you or a loved one has a food addiction, and you are taking the step to find out more and potentially think about treatment. This step is one of the hardest parts of recovery, so well done!
Some people argue that recovering from food addiction is harder than any other type of addiction because you cannot completely abstain from the focus of your addiction. While people who are addicted to substances can stop taking the substance to which they are addicted, everyone needs to eat.
However, there is a 12-step programme similar to those helping people recover from alcohol or drug addiction. This normally includes strict diets that require you to abstain from problem foods such as sugar, refined flour, and wheat.
Other treatment options include therapy. Food addictions normally stem from emotional problems. Once you manage to cut down on eating, the next step to recovery is fully dealing with the reasons why you developed a food addiction. Talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, can help you deal with the reasons you developed an addiction. They can help you identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviours and replace them with new healthy thoughts so your relationship with food can change. If you can find different ways to manage emotional problems, you are less likely to use food to cope.
If you are not responding to these types of treatment, you may be prescribed certain anti-obesity medications. If you were overweight as a child, this leads to treatment resistance the longer your food addiction lasts. Anti-obesity medications in combination with therapy and support groups may help you to achieve long-term recovery.