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February 25th, 2025
Ecstasy Addiction | Signs, Symptoms & Effects
Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a popular synthetic drug that is frequently taken at parties and raves. Despite its reputation as a relatively harmless ‘party drug’, ecstasy addiction can easily develop, resulting in lasting physical and mental health problems.
Understanding ecstasy addiction
Ecstasy addiction is a medical condition characterised by repeated use of the drug even when it causes problems in someone’s life or health. Chronic ecstasy abuse can lead to dependency as the brain and body become accustomed to the drug’s effects.
Someone addicted to ecstasy might start to feel that they need to take it to have a good time or that they can’t have fun without it. They may even start to use it to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression.
Ecstasy works by increasing the activity of several important neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Over time, ecstasy can hijack the brain’s reward system, increasing the intensity of cravings as well as making it harder to enjoy life without it.