Temazepam addiction means that you start to rely on the drug, not just to sleep but to feel or function “normally”. It is a common type of benzodiazepine addiction that can sneak up on you, especially if you start taking more Temazepam than prescribed or use it for longer than recommended.
At first, Temazepam might help you sleep better, but over time, your body gets used to the effects of the drug. This is called tolerance, and when it builds up and you start taking more, it can quickly spiral into Temazepam addiction, where you feel like you can’t get through the day without the drug.
Addiction doesn’t just mean craving the drug; it also means dealing with withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. These symptoms can include anxiety, insomnia, tremors and even more severe reactions like seizures, with fear of these symptoms making the prospect of quitting seem scary or impossible.
People addicted to Temazepam ultimately find themselves thinking about Temazepam all the time and planning their day around when they can take the next dose until it completely takes over their lives.
Factors that can increase the risk of Temazepam addiction include:
- A personal or family history of addiction
- Using Temazepam to self-medicate for trauma or mental health issues
- Taking Temazepam to cope with a stressful life
- Chronic insomnia
- Easy access to Temazepam