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Last Updated:
January 6th, 2025
Morphine Addiction | Signs, Symptoms & Effects
Morphine is an opioid derived from the poppy plant which is used to manage pain. It works by binding to receptors around the brain and body to block pain signals being felt. Medical professionals commonly use morphine to treat chronic pain as well as pain from surgery, childbirth, trauma and cancer. However, when not taken as instructed by a doctor, morphine addiction is a serious risk that can have devastating consequences. If you suspect that you or your loved one has an addiction to morphine, this page will inform you of the signs to look out for and what next steps to take.
What is morphine addiction?
Morphine addiction is a serious illness that results in compulsive drug taking, despite the negative impact the habit has on all areas of a person’s life. Due to morphine being relatively cheap and widely accessible, the drug is frequently abused both recreationally and by prescription users who take it more often or in greater doses than prescribed.
According to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, around 140,863 people received treatment for opioid abuse between April 2020 and 31 March 2021. However, a lack of funding for treatment and the shame society has attached to morphine addiction means that the number of people dealing with this illness is much higher. Men are more at risk than women for developing an opioid addiction, including an addiction to morphine, with men making up 72% of people being treated for the condition.