Blog, Substance abuse
Nov 16, 2023

Librium addiction can be a devastating condition, but it is far less recognised than other substance use dis

Blog, Relationships
Nov 09, 2023

Supporting a loved one in rehab can be one of the most important roles you will ever take on. Every individu

Blog, Society
Nov 03, 2023

The Great Depression had plunged 1930s America into economic despair, and prohibition was

Blog, Substance abuse
Oct 18, 2023

You’re lying in bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The minutes turn into ho

Blog, Society
Oct 17, 2023

From "snow" to "ice," "junk" to "blow," and "X" to "acid," the world of drug culture has birthed a lexicon

Blog, Substance abuse
Oct 16, 2023

It’s widely believed that having a nightcap before bed is a harmless way to unwind and po

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

03301 736 751