Detox | Withdrawal & Detox Timelines

Many people want to quit drugs but find the idea of detox and withdrawal symptoms daunting. In reality, detox is the first step on a path towards getting your life back and giving your mind and body the chance to heal. At Linwood House, our medical detox programmes provide you with the professional support you need to detox as safely and comfortably as possible. By the end of detox, the door will be open to the fresh start that you deserve.

Detox treatment

What is detox?

Detox is the process of removing all traces of a substance and its toxins from your body. It’s usually the first stage in overcoming addiction and helps you get to a place where you’re ready to take the next step. While detox isn’t easy, with professional medical support, you can safely withdraw from alcohol or any drugs.

The length of detox depends upon the type of drug and your history of drug use. In general, you can expect to be in detox for ten to twenty-one days – but it may be longer or shorter.

Common forms of detox include:


Alcohol button

Alcohol detox

Despite its accessibility, alcohol comes with some of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms of any drug and requires expert medical supervision.

Alcohol detox →

Drug button

Drug detox

Detoxing from drugs requires expert supervision. This includes detoxing from mvarious drugs, such as opioids, stimulants, benzos, cannabis and more.

Drug detox →

Why do I need to detox?

If you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, one aspect of the condition is physical dependence.

Physical dependence happens when you repeatedly take a substance over time. Your body gets used to operating with the alien chemicals in its systems and comes to believe that it needs them. A person with a physical dependence is then trapped between a rock and a hard place as trying to stop leads to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

A professionally managed detox is your way out but quitting drugs or alcohol is a big adjustment. Your body may react unpredictably, depending on what substances you’ve used and your general state of health. That is why it is always recommended that you detox under medical supervision where trained professionals will monitor your progress and quickly treat any difficult withdrawal symptoms.

What is a medical detox programme?

A medical detox is when you withdraw from a substance under the expert supervision of medical professionals. Medical detox programmes can involve several kinds of support, including:

  • A plan that allows you to gradually reduce your substance use to give your body more time to adjust.
  • Replacing a drug or alcohol with another, safer substance
  • Treating withdrawal symptoms, sometimes with prescribed medications.
  • Medical monitoring to ensure a quick medical response to any health issues.
  • Emotional and psychological support
  • Care for basic needs, such as ensuring you drink enough water and eat food that helps you heal.

At Linwood House, our medical detox programme is provided in our residential detox centre. You will stay with us throughout the whole process under the constant supervision of our trained and experienced staff to receive 24/7 care and support.

Do I need a medical detox?

If you struggle to control your substance use or experience unpleasant symptoms when trying to quit, it’s very likely you need a medically-supervised detox.

In general, medical detox is recommended for any substance that comes with the risk of severe (or potentially life-threatening) withdrawal symptoms. These include:

  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opioids

Detox treatment - empty alcohol bottle

How your mind and body react during detox also depends on factors personal to you. Medical detox may be your safest option if some of the following apply.

  • You have underlying physical health issues. e.g. Diabetes or pre-diabetes, kidney disease, liver damage, high or low blood pressure
  • You have co-occurring mental health issues. e.g. Depression, anxiety, personality disorders, or schizophrenia.
  • You have tried detox before.

Detox at Linwood House

We offer inpatient medical detox programmes for alcohol and all types of drugs. One of the advantages of inpatient detox is it takes place in an environment entirely dedicated to recovery. You can focus on yourself, away from any people or places that encourage your substance misuse. Even if your withdrawal is relatively mild, you’ll benefit from spending time with staff and fellow residents who understand what you’re going through.

Our residential programme will provide you with round-the-clock medical and psychological support for the length of your detox. You will stay at our specialised detox facility, in a calm and discreet atmosphere, with all the medical equipment required for your treatment.

Before you begin your detox, we’ll do an in-depth assessment to find out what you need. We’ll produce a detailed plan that ensures you’ll receive the care that’s right for you. After that, we’ll keep checking, adjusting and updating your plan as you move through the detox process.

Our medical detox programme offers:

  • Specialist medical staff, including GPs, mental health nurses, registered general nurses, and accredited therapists
  • Support workers, NVQ3 trained and holding drug and alcohol certificates
  • Therapy sessions up to twice a day
  • Catering, cleaning, and laundry services

At Linwood House, we stay with you all the way. After you detox with us, you can then start to receive further treatments in a centre that already feels familiar. Our team is experienced in responding to the various effects of individual drugs and the problems caused by using several substances together.

Beyond detox

Detox alone is rarely enough to ensure lasting recovery. Many people begin using drugs or alcohol to cope with other problems such as trauma, bereavement and mental illness. After detox, you will begin rehab treatment during which you will receive therapy to help you understand these driving factors and how to resist them in the future. When you know why you began using drugs or alcohol in the first place, you can make plans to avoid your old patterns of behaviour.

Contact us

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, contact us today. Our expert team are on hand to answer any questions you may have about detox and give confidential advice. We’re dedicated to helping you move forward in your recovery.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a medical detox and another detox?
Medical detox involves careful supervision by trained medical professionals and the option of prescription medication if required. Other types of detox may be supervised by psychologists, therapists, or social workers. If you’ve developed a physical dependence on a substance, a medical detox is usually necessary to ensure that you detox as safely and comfortably as possible.
Are detox and withdrawal dangerous?
If untreated, some withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous but medical detox programmes can ensure you detox in a gradual, supervised way and stay safe at all times. It’s also worth remembering that alcohol and drugs are dangerous for your health and can even be deadly. By opening the door to lasting recovery, detox helps you to secure a better future for yourself and your loved ones.
Is home detox a good alternative to inpatient detox?
Home detox can be a good alternative for some individuals with mild addictions and a strong support system, but it carries risks. Inpatient detox is generally safer, providing medical observation and support to manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent complications. Always consult a healthcare professional before deciding.
Man suffring from chest pain

Withdrawal is a physically and emotionally taxing process. Your body strives to adjust to the absence of… More