Myth: People with eating disorders are always underweight…
Truth: Most people with eating disorders are actually either a healthy weight or overweight. There are many aspects and symptoms of eating disorders so it is important to remember that being considered a healthy weight does not mean you do not have an eating disorder.
Myth: Eating disorders only affect young girls…
Truth: While eating disorders disproportionately affect young girls and women, they can affect anyone.
Myth: Eating disorders are a choice…
Fact: eating disorders are extremely unpleasant for those suffering and their loved ones. They are mental health disorders and are never a personal choice.
Myth: Parents are to blame…
Fact: Parents and carers often cannot do anything to prevent their children from developing an eating disorder. However, if you have a child with an eating disorder, you may be able to help with their recovery by seeking professional help.
Myth: People with eating disorders are vain and seeking attention…
Fact: Eating disorders are not just about looking a certain way. In fact, it is common for people with eating disorders to try to hide it rather than flaunt it and these conditions should be treated as mental health disorders not as an attempt to seek attention.
Myth: People cannot recover from an eating disorder…
Fact: While there are genes that contribute to the development of an eating disorder, this does not mean you cannot recover. Many factors contribute to developing an eating disorder, and with the right support, you can recover.