Addiction Treatment Information For Health & Care Professionals | Help Guide

Linwood House can be accessed through GP referral. Accessing Linwood House services in this way enables patients to get into high-quality therapy treatment and avoid delays caused by waiting lists.

Our pathways

We constantly strive to deliver the most effective outcomes through an innovative approach to delivering care, education and treatment. Our facilities allow us to offer joined-up care pathways. We offer programmes which integrate healthcare, specialist and education services that are tailored according to individual needs in an appropriate setting.

Our range of services provides different ‘stepping stones’ for patients as part of their personalised care pathways. This holistic approach to the individual’s care support progression and, where appropriate, reintegration back towards community settings.
Linwood House expects all its employees to deliver the highest standards of treatment, care, intervention and education. This is supported by a culture of being open, delivering evidenced-based practice and facilitating continuous learning and improvement opportunities for our staff. We aspire to be a beacon of good practice for other health and social care organisations by being transparent about safety, quality, compliance and governance.
Our service is safe and effectively regulated. We measure our success by providing objective, quantitative and auditable data that measures outcomes, effectiveness and user experience to continuously drive improvement.

How to refer?

To refer a patient to Linwood House simply fill in our online form please click here.
If you have a query about the process or would like further information, contact our enquiries team:

Your referral will go directly to a dedicated Admissions Officer.
On receipt of the referral, the Admissions Officer will check appointment availabilities.

GP communication

We understand the importance of keeping you informed. Our team provide clear feedback on each patient that is referred to us, from the start of the referral process through to end of treatment.

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Who am I contacting?

Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0330 1736 751