Accessing rehab begins before you step foot in a clinic. Treatment begins at the very first contact with a rehab provider. In these early stages, you may feel nervous and overwhelmed. It is important to understand that the enquiry, assessment and admission processes are designed to prioritise your wellbeing. These stages are present to ensure that you are safe and that you are accessing the most appropriate course of treatment for you.
During an initial enquiry, you will be able to discuss:
- Your current needs
- Treatment options
- The cost of luxury rehab (including breakdowns of costs and payment details)
- Scheduling admission
- What to expect during your health assessment
When you are admitted to rehab, you will be able to tour the centre in order to get a feel for your surroundings. You will also be provided with a welcome pack that should provide you with all the information you need for your stay. A healthcare provider will conduct a health assessment with you. This will include a psychological and physical screening to check that you are fit and safe. Following this, you will be asked to give any prescription medications to the team to take care of for you.
If you are dealing with an addiction to a substance, then you are likely to undergo a detox. This means that your experience of rehab after admission will include three key phases:
- Detoxification
- Rehabilitation
- Aftercare
If you are undergoing a detox, then your detox plan will be discussed with the healthcare professional who conducts your initial health assessment. The duration of a detox is very personal and will depend on your current situation. You may be provided with medication in order to support you during the detox phase. This medication can ease difficult withdrawal symptoms.
Rehabilitation is the core of addiction treatment and refers broadly to any therapy you engage with during your stay. At Linwood House, therapeutic support consists of a mix of:
Up to two therapy sessions will be available daily during the course of your treatment.