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January 7th, 2025
Ecstasy Rehab | Ecstasy Addiction Treatment
While ecstasy, the tablet form of MDMA, is perhaps the most famous “party drug” of all, for many people the party quickly becomes a nightmare. If you are suffering from ecstasy addiction, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure where to turn. But know that you are not alone and that treatment is available. Ecstasy rehab can provide you with the support, tools and skills you need to start building an ecstasy-free life.
What is ecstasy rehab?
Ecstasy rehab is a form of drug rehab that helps you overcome physical and psychological dependence on ecstasy. Rehab treatment does this by helping you to identify and understand the reasons behind your behaviour and challenge negative thinking patterns and drug-seeking behaviours.
Linwood House offers inpatient treatment for ecstasy, free from distraction and providing the stability, sober environment and constant care needed to allow you to focus on recovery.
It is important to know that ecstasy rehab will not do the hard work for you. It requires willingness and dedication to change. However, if you are fully committed, ecstasy rehab can give you a chance for a new, healthy life.
What does ecstasy rehab entail?
Ecstasy rehab typically involves three stages :
1. Ecstasy detox
Ecstasy detox is the process of stopping our ecstasy use so you can break the physical dependence and see off withdrawal symptoms. Both the severity and length of ecstasy withdrawal symptoms differ from person to person but usually last around a week to ten days.
The best and safest way to go through ecstasy detox is at a professional clinic like Linwood House, where you’ll receive private treatment under the guidance of professionals who can make the experience as safe and as comfortable as possible.
2. Therapy
With physical dependence broken, you will then go on to begin your ecstasy rehab programme. Ecstasy rehab addresses the entire person, not just your drug use and incorporates a range of therapies that will teach you various ways of maintaining sobriety by giving you tools and skills to replace drug-seeking behaviour with healthy habits.
These therapies include:
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- 12-step work
- Music and art therapy
- Yoga
- Guided meditation
3. Maintaining Sobriety
Once you leave rehab, you may be exposed to ecstasy again, see the same people you used to take the drug with or be faced with daily stressors and responsibilities. That is why we provide you with aftercare, where we aim to continue supporting you as you transition back into life after rehab.
Not only will an introduction to Narcotics Anonymous (NA) during your stay with us continue after treatment if you so wish, but we also provide free group therapy sessions and aftercare workshops for up to one year.
If you find yourself in a tempting or difficult situation, such as when you are exposed to a trigger and find yourself craving ecstasy, you can use our Alumni programme. Message groups, phone calls and regular social events can provide you with the sober community support you need for long-term recovery.
The importance of connection in ecstasy rehab
Ecstasy use can isolate a person from their family, loved ones, friends and social circles as these are replaced by drug use, leaving you isolated. Ecstasy rehab gives you the chance to meet others who are in a similar situation and can share their experiences, coping skills and insights. In addition to the other clients, many of our therapists have been through drug rehab themselves, meaning they understand the process of ecstasy rehab and all the challenges it involves.
As our client Paula says:
“I have been cared for, supported and challenged at Linwood. I feel well prepared for a great future, one day at a time. I can never thank the Linwood team enough for breaking me open and putting me back together again. I have found confidence and serenity, and I know what I need to do to keep them!”
Who can benefit from ecstasy rehab?
We know that identifying the need for ecstasy rehab is not as simple as it seems. Regular ecstasy use can lead to long-lasting mental health issues and worsen existing problems.
If you are unsure whether you need treatment for ecstasy, the following questions may guide you to an answer:
- Have you tried to stop using ecstasy but found that you could not?
- Do you struggle to resist cravings for ecstasy?
- Do you spend much of your time and/or money acquiring, using and recovering from ecstasy use?
- Have you lost interest in activities, hobbies, and social gatherings that do not involve ecstasy?
- Have you lied to your loved ones or colleagues about your whereabouts, ecstasy use or your financial situation?
- Has ecstasy use interfered with your family, work or social responsibilities?
- Do you feel that you need ecstasy to feel normal or to cope with any situation?
If you answered yes to these questions, our support team is available 24/7 and can discuss any of your concerns. We can also give you information about ecstasy rehab options so that you can start taking steps toward sobriety.
What is the next step?
If you want to take the first and most important step on the recovery journey, reach out to Linwood House today. Our ecstasy rehab programmes can help undo the harm of ecstasy abuse and dependency and help you start fresh. Our admissions team is waiting to answer your questions or concerns so don’t hesitate to get in touch.