Ketamine Addiction Treatment | Detox & Rehab

Ketamine addiction might not grab the headlines like other drug dependencies, but its impact can be just as devastating. With the rise in illegal ketamine use, more and more people in the UK are finding themselves trapped in a cycle of drug addiction. Linwood House understands the serious challenges of ketamine addiction treatment and offers an inpatient ketamine detox and rehab programme designed to break the hold this drug has over you. This approach is widely considered to be more effective than outpatient ketamine addiction treatment because it allows our compassionate team to support you at every stage.

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Is ketamine addiction treatment right for you?

If you have searched for ketamine addiction treatment, you probably already have some concerns about your drug use. To help you know whether you need treatment, ask yourself these serious questions:

  • Are you finding it harder to feel any happiness or contentment in life unless you’re using ketamine?
  • Are you feeling intense pain or discomfort in your bladder or experiencing frequent, painful urination? 
  • Do you experience ketamine withdrawal symptoms when you haven’t used ketamine? (see below)
  • Have you blacked out or lost large chunks of time while using ketamine, with no memory of what happened?
  • Have you had any close calls with overdosing or ending up in the hospital because of your ketamine use?
  • Are you facing legal issues, such as arrests or criminal charges, because of your involvement with ketamine?

These are not signs that you are potentially becoming dependent on ketamine; they are indications that it is already causing you serious harm. Here is how Linwood House can help you heal and avoid any further damage:

1. Medical ketamine detox

When many people find themselves becoming dependent on ketamine, the first thing they do is try to give up on their own. While this may be possible if you haven’t been using ketamine for very long, it is a much tougher challenge once your body and mind have become accustomed to regular use. Stopping suddenly can lead to a range of uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms that often result in ketamine relapse.

Some of the potential ketamine withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Intense cravings for ketamine
  • Severe anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Paranoia
  • Sweating and chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

These may sound scary, but Linwood House’s inpatient ketamine detox programme is designed to clear all the drugs from your body as quickly and comfortably as possible. It is led by our experienced medical team, who will monitor your health, manage your ketamine withdrawal symptoms and provide medicine if you need it. This is far safer and more effective than outpatient ketamine detox because our doctors and nurses will be able to look after you 24/7.

Drug detox is often the hardest part of recovery, but with the right support and a solid plan in place, you can get through it.

How long does ketamine withdrawal last?

It is not possible to put an exact length of the ketamine withdrawal timeline. If you are in otherwise good health and your dependency is not too serious, you might find that the worst of the ketamine withdrawal symptoms pass within a few days. However, if you have been using ketamine heavily or for a long time, ketamine withdrawal can take longer and feel much more intense.

To help give you a better idea of what to expect, here is a typical ketamine withdrawal timeline from our experience at Linwood House:

First 24 – 48 hours

The early stages are often the toughest as withdrawal symptoms peak. You might experience intense cravings, severe anxiety and physical symptoms like nausea or sweating.

Days 3 – 7

As your body gets used to the lower levels of ketamine, some of the physical symptoms might start to ease. However, psychological ketamine withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, irritability and cravings can still be strong.

Week 2 and beyond

By the second week, many of the intense symptoms will begin to fade, but you might still feel fatigued, have trouble sleeping or experience mood swings. Cravings can also linger, so staying connected to your support network and continuing with therapy is important.


For some people, certain symptoms like cravings, anxiety or depression can persist for weeks or sometimes even months. This is why ongoing treatment and aftercare are so important, as they help you build the strength and skills needed to avoid ketamine relapse.

2. Ketamine rehab treatment

Rehab for ketamine lifts the lid on what’s really going on beneath the surface. It is where you start to understand not just the “what” of your ketamine use but the “why.” Whether it’s stress, trauma or emotional pain, our therapists will help you uncover these challenges and start putting the pieces back together again.
As with ketamine detox, Linwood House provides inpatient ketamine rehab for all our clients. This is a more effective recovery route than outpatient ketamine rehab because you won’t have to worry about the outside world. No work stress, no responsibilities at home – just a calm, supportive environment where you can focus entirely on getting better.
During your time in rehab, you will work closely with our experienced team through a range of therapies designed to heal both body and mind. This will enable you to get to the heart of the matter and make a fresh start.

Ketamine rehab treatment at Linwood House

One of the standout features of our ketamine rehab programme is the wide range of therapies we offer, designed to meet you where you are and help you heal on every level. Our drug rehab programmes include:

  • One-on-one therapy: This is your chance to sit down with your own personal therapist and really get to the bottom of things. You will work together to understand why ketamine has taken over your life and how you can start to heal. It’s a safe space where you can be open and honest without any judgement.
  • Motivational interviewing: Sometimes, finding the motivation to change can be tough. During motivational interviewing, you will explore your own reasons for wanting to beat ketamine and tap into your inner drive to make positive changes.
  • Group therapy: Sometimes, just knowing that others are facing the same challenges can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. In our group sessions, you will share, listen and grow together. It is like finding your tribe – a group of people who’ve got your back.
  • Family therapy: We know that addiction touches everyone in your life. Family therapy helps you and your loved ones come together, mend broken bridges and find your way back to each other.
  • Holistic therapies: Recovery isn’t just about breaking habits – it’s about finding balance. With practices like yoga, meditation and mindfulness, our holistic therapies help you reconnect with yourself and find peace in the process.

Aftercare and relapse prevention planning: Life after rehab comes with its own set of challenges, but we will help you prepare with a personalised relapse prevention plan. We will also provide free outpatient group therapy every week for a year and invite you to join our Alumni Network so you can handle whatever obstacles arise.

Begin ketamine addiction treatment today

Is ketamine dragging you down? Then Linwood House is here to lift you up. Our ketamine addiction treatment programme is designed to help you detox safely, take control of your recovery and reconnect with yourself at the deepest level. Contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I relapse?
If you relapse, it is important not to be too hard on yourself. Recovery is a journey with ups and downs; slipping up doesn’t mean you’ve failed. The best thing you can do is reach out for support right away. Linwood House can help you get back on track after ketamine relapse with no judgement, care and understanding.
Can ketamine withdrawal be fatal?
Ketamine withdrawal is generally not considered fatal, but it can be really tough to go through alone. Symptoms like severe anxiety, paranoia and intense cravings can make it feel unbearable and, in some cases, can lead to dangerous complications. That is why having professional support during ketamine detox is so important.
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03301 736 751